Update on the ‘Vnuk judgement’

It’s been almost impossible to miss the recent blizzard of articles in the press, and social media, about this latest threat to motorsport. LARA has been ‘on the case’ since early 2015 when the full implications of this seemingly obscure judgement from the European Court of Justice started filtering through to the UK. It was apparent, at the time, that changes to the UK law on motor insurance would be needed but it has taken the UK Government over two years (the original judgement was in September 2014) to get to the consultation stage for these changes, and it is the announcement of the start of the consultation process which has generated the recent press interest.

The ACU, AMCA, and MSA (all LARA member organisations), together with MCIA, are calling on the government to exempt motor and motorcycle sport from any changes to insurance law which arise from the ECJ judgment. See this page of the ACU website for the best explanation of the current situation, but be sure to click-through, and read, all the linked documents and other websites for a full understanding of all the implications.

New LARA website launched

We’re pleased to announce that the new LARA website is finally live at https://laragb.org/. Please note that this is a temporary web address until we can redirect the existing http://laragb.org/name to the new site (we’re having problems).

Please sign-up (in the footer below) to receive email alerts and you’ll be kept up-to-date as we transfer content from the old site or add totally new content.