Earlier this year, Cumbria County Council advised that, as a result of the county’s administration being split into two unitary authorities, its long time hosting of the Hierarchy of Trails Routes (HoTR) website pages could no longer be maintained.
LARA resolved to find a new home for the website, to ensure the future of this exemplar of partnership working between recreational motoring interests, highway authorities, and appropriate National Park authorities.
This will secure the successful ongoing management of the green roads network in the locality, as championed by LARA and expounded in its published guidance.
The HoTR site gives information about the sustainability and suitability for use of trail routes within the scheme, for the benefit of all users of public rights of way by whatever means. And there is scope to extend the site to include other geographical areas in the future.
The new HoTR website can be accessed at http://www.hotr.uk/
For further information, or to submit comments or suggestions, you can email admin@laragb.org.